The Morbid Homies Origin Story



The Morbid Homies was a concept created by two work colleagues, Nighthawk and DonCap. They were intrigued by crypto and blockchain technology on a Saturday afternoon in March 2022. Cryptocurrencies had just boomed and NFTs were all the buzz. Nighthawk and DonCap were coworkers at a demolition firm in the Greater Boston region gutting houses and storefronts. It was dirty work, literally. They were constantly filthy and almost every job required full face mask respirators and the ocassional Tyvek suit. One Saturday, they decided to link up at DonCap's house to watch videos and learn up on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology and see what all the buzz was about. After learning about exactly what NFTs were, Nighthawk created the first Morbid Homie in a drawing and convinced DonCap building a NFT community around the "Morbid Homie" could be something beneficial for all parties involved. The concept was simple, create a community where all holders can have a place to discuss crypto, remain inclusive, and sort of a safe place to escape from the everyday drama, workload, problems, and just kickback with a community of like minded indivuals who also enjoy the crypto space. At that time, Nighthawk had a new born baby and a young family and wanted to build something that would last the test of time, something his daughter someday could use and a community she could interact with too. was created and the first collection was created on the NFT Marketplace. At that point, the NFT market had crashed, prices plummeted and a lot of people lost taste for anything crypto related. Around this time, DonCap became a casulity of the market crash and had to step aside from the Morbid Homies and focus on more urgent matters. Nighthawk understood completely and continued moving forward. Everyone on NFT marketplace received a refund in CRO tokens and the project was put on hiatus. Nighthawk still kept Morbid Homies close to his heart as it was brain child and did not want to give up on this concept.


July 2022 was a pivotal moment as Nighthawk had discovered the Avalanche blockchain. The concept of super fast transactions and subnets really intrigued him so he dove in. After joining a few twitter spaces and talking to the community on Avalanche, he knew this was the perfect place to drop Morbid Homies. Nighthawk had dabbled in Cronos for quite some time but felt it was not a worthy arena for his Morbid Homies. Majorty of the community at the time in Cronos tended to grift and create pump & dump projects and the market was tiny compared to Avalanche. No true artists or developers were on Cronos, all work was done by fiverr artists and did not seem like the right place to build a community. Coming to Avalanche was a whole different story as there were plenty of artists and real developers within the community which was like a breathe of fresh air. Nighthawk felt at home on this new blockchain and comfortable enough to drop his first collection "Morbid Homies" on Campfire.Exchange in Janurary 2023. Every week, a handful were auctioned off on Friday nights with bidding starting at .05 Avalanche Tokens. It was not a money thing for him, it was something for fun and hoped the community would collect his art. The Morbid Homies would continue to be auctioned off on Flash Auction Fridays weekly until that summer and 112 pieces were minted and sold to the community. 


The fall & winter of 2023 saw a shift in NFTs. No longer was the more artistic NFTs or 1 of 1 PFP collections popular on Avalanche to collect. The hype was around generative PFP (Profile Picture) collections and the marketplace Hyperspace. Buying and selling NFTs on Hyperspace earned users rewards which would be redeemed into Avalanche tokens. It was at this point Nighthawk realized it was time to adapt to the market. For Morbid Homies to strive, no longer would he create 1 of 1s and instead would create a second collection of Morbid Homies that would become generative and rejuvinate the artwork. For that, Nighthawk enlisted the help of BKLunarRover and Bavic to assist him with the artwork. Next, Nighthawk got into contact with his old colleague DonCap to help him get the website operational. DonCap was glad to help build something again with Nighthawk as there was no hard feelings about his exit from Crypto years ago. The website got online and Nighthawk has been building it ever since.